Dr. Amy M. O’Donnell offers evidence-based treatment for rotator cuff syndrome

Do you feel a dull ache in your upper arm and shoulder that extends to your elbow?

You may be experiencing rotator cuff syndrome. Shoulder pain is often associated with injury and/or overuse of the rotator cuff. 

The rotator cuff is made up of four muscles and tendons that surround and stabilize the shoulder joint giving it the ability to have a wide range of motion. Often people who take part in sports that involve over the head arm motion, such as swimming and tennis, are prone to rotator cuff injuries. In addition, because the rotator cuff is a complex muscle group, people over 40 are also prone to injury due to the loss of elasticity and degeneration associated with aging.

Rotator cuff syndrome or impingement syndrome is a result of the tendons rubbing against the shoulder blade, causing it to become inflamed, fray and weaken. Arthritis and bone spurs also lend themselves to this syndrome.

People tend to simply rely on pain killers, ice, steroid injections and even surgery to resolve rotator cuff syndrome. This, however, often does not address the core of the issue and can lead to prolonged healing. Once diagnosed, a variety of treatments are performed including spinal manipulation, MLS Cold Laser Therapy, Trigger Point Dry Needling, and Cupping. In addition, she will talk with you about incorporating therapeutic exercises and activities into you daily schedule to help prevent any further injuries.