Dr. Amy M. O’Donnell offers evidence-based treatment for lower back pain

Your low back is integral to a healthy body.

Your back provides strength, structural support, and flexibility and protects certain body tissues. It is not uncommon to experience low back pain. Nearly 80 percent of adults experience such pain at some point. It is the most common job-related disability and is a large contributor to missed work days.

Generally, low back pain is a result of mechanical causes such as sprains and strains, disc degeneration, herniated/ruptured discs, radiculopathy, sciatica, spinal stenosis and traumatic injury.

In addition to spinal manipulation, Dr. O’Donnell incorporates MLS Cold Laser Therapy and Trigger Point Dry Needling. Each of these techniques not only help with acute low back pain but can also help prevent it. The health benefits of chiropractic care for your low back include, reduced pain and discomfort, decreased inflammation, and improved range of motion and flexibility.

Because the low back is also supported by abdominal muscles, the most compelling intervention of low back pain is regular core strengthening and exercising. Incorporating Pilates or yoga into your health care regimen, along with chiropractic care, is the best preventative of low back pain.