Dr. Amy M. O’Donnell offers evidence-based treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)

Chronic pain in your wrist and hand?

A small compartment between the wrist and hand houses delicate nerves, arteries and veins which may become compromised if their overlying fibrous covering becomes thickened from overuse or injury. This common condition is often caused by working for long hours on a computer, using a hammer or various sports injuries. Scar tissue builds up in the area and causes pain, numbness or tingling into the hand, which may become debilitating. In some cases, an EMG (Electromyography) must be conducted to determine the degree of dysfunction.

MLS laser therapy is ideal for eliminating pain or inflammation with this condition. Graston Technique® effectively breaks down scar tissue, and relieves the pain and associated symptoms of CTS. The body then lays down new and more pliable tissue which is actually stronger. Trigger Point Dry Needling is effective in treating trigger points in the forearm muscles which may be the underlying cause of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Wrist splints and/or Kinesio tape are used when necessary to allow for rest and faster healing time. Also, wrist manipulation aids to mobilize the wrist and hand bones to facilitate better functioning.

Rehabilitative exercises are also essential for stretching and strengthening the wrist to prevent future injuries.

An ergonomic evaluation is recommended to identify workplace conditions that need to be changed.